
Battle of the Brands: Using Brand Positioning Strategies to Dominate

Battle of the Brands: Using Brand Positioning Strategies to Dominate 1
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Battle of the Brands: Using Brand Positioning Strategies to Dominate 2

In the modern business arena, it all comes down to strategic positioning.

This level playing field allows small businesses to take on industry giants. But, to have any chance of doing so, they have to understand the game well.

First of all, the nature of brand positioning is two-fold. Your business must occupy space in customer minds, as well as the section of the market or industry sector. What you do on both fronts matters as it impacts the perception of who you are.

Secondly, there are multifarious brand positioning strategies and avenues you can explore. They aren’t created equal and your choices matter a great deal.

What’s clear is you cannot afford to get snowed under a bunch of similar brands. To avoid this business-sinking scenario, you have to be smart and forward-looking. The chief goal is to differentiate yourself from the crowd.

So, here is a guide on how to make it happen and secure a substantial market share.

Back to the Branding Basics

The truth is that brands take certain positions whether they actively pursue them or not.

But, you should understand right away these two approaches are worlds apart. You don’t want your position to be a mere byproduct of your existence in the market. You’re much better off assuming control of how consumers perceive you.

In other words, embrace a proactive approach and get ready to own your niche. You can employ various tactics to shape how you appear, sound, and like to others.

Think in terms of pricing, packaging, distribution, promotion, and competition. They all have their pros and cons and you would be wise to weigh them. And while executing them, you have to realize you don’t operate in a vacuum.

Brand development and positioning revolve around the experiences you produce in cooperation with customers. Like it or not, they have a final say in who you really are. You can project intention, but the projection may get warped beyond recognition.

This just goes to show communication is always a two-way street.

Thus, start by getting to know who you are and what you can bring to the table. Self-discovery is the launching pad for conquering people’s hearts and minds.

Get the Show on the Road

The ultimate goal is to evoke positive images in people’s heads.

This is no walk in the park. You need to navigate a plethora of options and find suitable entry points. The timing must be right and context conducive to interaction.

After all, we operate in an experience economy. Every customer has an individual perception of your brand and the different associations attached to it. These notions are fickle and susceptible to change.

To make it more complicated, the landscape is extremely saturated. You have to be authentic in order to pique interest and pierce through the marketing noise. Customers are supposed to associate you with something positive, unique, and desirable.

Answers to what that is can vary wildly depending on your specific niche and business case. That being said, there are some surefire techniques you want to follow.

For instance, it’s necessary to scope out what your competition is doing. You can borrow their positioning ideas as long as you’re not being a copycat. The main objective is still to be different.

So, come up with a series of strong arguments as to why people should choose you. Remember your promises mustn’t ring hollow. Present some evidence to support your claims. Anything from social proof to customer testimonials helps in establishing trust.

Battle of the Brands: Using Brand Positioning Strategies to Dominate 3

Making a Statement

A brand positioning statement is the next, more concrete step to undertake.

It differs from company slogans and taglines, as it has an internal purpose. Most often, it takes the form of one or two sentence long declaration.

This statement guides and informs your branding and marketing campaigns. It’s value-oriented and can be translated into external messaging if need be.

But, first things first. Make sure the statement clearly communicates value to the audience. It should also echo customer needs, product name/category, and the benefits you offer.

A matter of customer needs requires a bit more attention because they can be rather elusive. To successfully unveil wants and needs, conduct detailed research.

According to insights, put together buyer personas, semi-fictional profiles of your ideal customers. Pay close attention to key data points such as demographics.

Once that is sorted out, proceed to craft your statement. Make it memorable, simple, and alluring. At the same time, see to it your promise come across realistic and believable.

Company logos, ad copy, blog posts, packaging, flyers, email newsletter— all these elements must fall together to create an image of you. Some do carry more weight than others because they are recurring crown jewels of your band.

Apply Personal and Special Touches

Messaging across channels of communication and marketing assets has to be consistent.

A logo is a prime example. It’s a kind of visual tool that sets the stage for communication and storytelling. It enables you to establish and preserve your visual integrity. You avoid sending mixed signals and stirring brand confusion.

Looking beyond brand assets like this, we require one critical ingredient: customization.

These days, people don’t want to interact with the cold corporate effigy. They crave that warm feeling that defines human interaction. Therefore, harness the power of data to personalize your campaigns.

For instance, don’t batch your emails because your messages will be largely ignored. Address a particular, niche subdivision of your audience. Big brands often make the mistake of neglecting them.

This is your chance to use your size as an advantage and get a nice market slice. Nurture meaningful connections instead of bombarding people with sales pitches.

Finally, never take brand loyalty for granted. Stay vigilant and recalibrate your campaigns according to fresh data. If things are still not working out, get back to the drawing board.

It’s time to carve out a niche and repel counterattacks from your competition.

Brand Positioning Strategies at Their Finest

To hit it big out there, you need to be in a driver’s seat every mile of the road.

Kick-off the process by initiating meticulous planning and sound strategizing. Observe yourself from the standpoint of people you’re catering to. Engage them in a way big brands fail to.

While at it, set yourself apart from the competition. Create a killer positioning statement that brings a sense of focus and direction.

Moving on, disseminate messages that resonate with people and deliver on your promises. Bear in mind that this interaction should take place under the right circumstances. Rely on precise targeting and data to power your brand.

Assemble smart brand positioning strategies and put the best face of the business forward. This is a way to position yourself for long-term dominance without blowing a budget.

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