
Color Schemes: How to Coordinate Colors for Your Website

Color Schemes: How to Coordinate Colors for Your Website 1
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Color Schemes: How to Coordinate Colors for Your Website 2

You only have a few brief moments to make a great first impression when someone visits your website. Choosing a great color scheme can help you put your best foot forward.

However, with so many colors to choose from, selecting a color scheme can seem overwhelming. This helpful guide will tell you how to coordinate colors for your website.

How to Coordinate Colors

When you think of Pepsi or Coca-Cola, what colors come to mind? Pepsi uses bright blue, and Coca-Cola uses its iconic color of red. Each of these colors tells you something about the brand they represent.

The colors these companies have chosen help them stand out from their competition on the shelves and make them more recognizable. Your website colors should do the same for you.

It’s also important to recognize that people attach certain feelings and emotions with each color. Purple is an excellent color for a creative brand, but it might not be the best color for a law firm.

Color Schemes: How to Coordinate Colors for Your Website 3

Picking Colors

When choosing a website color scheme, you will need one dominant color, one to two accent colors, and one background color.

The dominant color should be your brand’s primary color. Make sure it has the emotional message you want to portray along with the visual appeal. Your accent colors should be one or two coordinating colors that pair nicely with your brand’s dominant color.

These colors will be used in different places on your website, so make sure they are easy on the eyes.

Now that you have your colors selected, many light colorful backgrounds can work with your dominant color and accent colors. You don’t have to stick with white unless you want to.

Many websites use cool background colors to help make the other colors pop on the screen. Take a look at websites that you like and pay close attention to the background colors. Select a background color that works best for your brand.

Where to Place Your Colors

Now that you have some ideas for your color scheme, it’s time to figure out where the colors will go on your website. Your dominant color should be placed in your logo, menu tabs, call to action buttons, and headlines, as well as highlight any critical pieces of information on your website.

Your accent colors can be used in subheadlines and to highlight information that is of secondary importance. Use these colors more sparingly, or else your website will end up looking like a fruit salad of color.

Your background color will obviously be placed in the background. It should make all the other colors on your website stand out without drawing attention away from your site’s primary focus.

Contact LightHouse Graphics Today for Assistance

When you are learning how to coordinate colors, it is easy to get overwhelmed at the selection. Take your time and try out as many colors as you want to find the right ones for your brand.

If you have a website development project that you need a hand on, give us a call. LightHouse Graphics is a boutique firm that specializes in digital consulting We can help you select the perfect color scheme for your website and make a great first impression.

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