The content team here at LightHouse Graphics handles a variety of your marketing needs. We’ve written marketing funnel emails for clients, assisted in creating client handbooks, and even helped edit speeches for client events. We love that writing allows us to roll up our sleeves and really get involved with the day-to-day workings of your business.
Additionally, through our monthly management services, our content team can take on a variety of your marketing needs. Primarily, we write blogs that are optimized to help your site rank higher in web searches, and we manage your social media presence to bring increased traffic to your website.
Whether you’re looking for fresh content updated monthly, or a reboot of existing website content, the LightHouse Graphics content team is happy to help you. Read on to learn more about the work that we do, and get answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
What is the difference between content writing and copywriting?
The most important thing that we can tell you about the difference between content writing and copywriting is that the LightHouse content team can handle both! All levity aside, the difference between content writing and copywriting lies in the purpose of the two types of writing.
Content writing encompasses writing like blogs or social media posts–these writing services educate your audience while offering subtle cues toward your brand. On the other hand, copywriting is a truer form of sales writing, in which a writer skilled in marketing and branding works to sell your clients on your services. This type of work is more broadly seen in websites and direct marketing consumables.
What content can the LightHouse team write for me?
The LightHouse team can offer a variety of content for your needs! We can provide you with a variety of written content, such as blogs, white papers, eBooks, landing pages, product descriptions and write-ups, press releases, newsletters, and more. Basically, if you can dream it, we can write it!
Given our suite of in-house services, you should assume that no job is too big for LightHouse Graphics’ content team. Need your business plan distilled into a crisp infographic? Our web design team is ready to partner with us to complete that project. Looking to rebuild your website to show off your business’ work? Our development team is ready in the wings, to bring our written work to realization in your brand new website.
Why is having strong blog content so important to my website?
We can make this answer incredibly simple. Tech Client tells us that websites that feature a blog have a 434% higher chance of being ranked on search engines than their counterparts who do not. Additionally, HubSpot tells us that businesses who utilize blogs generate 67% more website leads than those who do not. Simply put, a blog is an integral part of your marketing strategy to generate new leads.
What are the benefits of having a content team manage my site?
Good writing takes time! Ultimately, a quality content team should spend time researching which terms to utilize in your writing to help you rank the highest in search engines. Then, they should research what your clients want to know and anything else that will help contribute to valuable, meaningful content on your site. After that, a strong writer will condense this work into content that can be easily consumed by potential clients, and will edit the work both for accuracy and grammar. Your days should be spent running your business, not writing about it! Let us take that task off your hands.
How can quality content drive business to my website?
Forbes said it best. “Content is king” They couldn’t be more true! High-quality content is what will bring users to your site and keep them engaged. One of the easiest examples of this is a quality blog post. If your blog post resonates with just one user, they are liable to share in on their social media accounts. If they do this, you are automatically benefitting from the free advertising that will come from their friends reading and engaging with their shared post!
How do I choose what SEO content to write for my website?
How often should I update my website content?
Ideally, static websites should be updated once or twice a month to ensure maximum engagement. What is more important than updating your content regularly is ensuring that your content is ever fresh, thereby providing your clients with additional incentive to engage!
However, social media content needs to be updated much more frequently. Consider utilizing LightHouse Graphics to schedule and manage your social media content, to ensure that your business achieves maximum online engagement.
LightHouse Graphics is Here to Manage Your Content Needs
LightHouse Graphics knows that quality content delivery is an integral part of any business’s marketing strategy. Ultimately, we consider it our highest calling to listen to your unique voice and highlight the things that make your business unique in your content. In other words, your content should never sound like we wrote it–it should always sound like it comes straight from you but with some more strategic, search-engine-friendly moves! Reach out today to get a dedicated team of writing professionals to handle your content needs!