COVID-19 has brought about a number of shifts in the way we do business. From once crowded restaurants operating under delivery only models to doctor’s offices opting to see patients in their cars, rather than inside office buildings, we are adjusting to an entirely new way of life. In order for these changes to take hold, they must be effectively advertised to your business. Read on to learn five ways that LightHouse Graphics can help your business during COVID-19.
A web banner is an advertisement that can be embedded into your website to draw the user’s immediate attention. Such ads are most frequently used to communicate critical, but potentially temporary information. COVID procedures or changes fall under such a lens. Consider reaching out for a homepage banner if:
– You would like to inform clients of a change in operating hours.
– You would like to inform clients of additional safety policies.
– You would like to direct your web traffic to a specific web location.
For example, if you are a healthcare professional and need your new policies communicated, or perhaps want all patients visiting your website to be appraised of your new telehealth system, you might choose to utilize a banner advertisement to attract attention from the moment your page loads.
Worried that you have too much to say to fit on one banner? Our team has a solution! As mentioned above, we can link a banner to your website’s blog section (or wherever else you’d like it) in order to grab your clients’ attention and direct them to the place where they can get all of the information they need.
Now, more than ever, our content must be timely and relevant. Ensuring that your blog remains up to date keeps your business in the conversation and keeps your client following engaged and interested in your content. As our entire nation adapts to deal with coronavirus, blog followers will want to know about your response.
Consider posting blogs about how your business is taking action to keep your staff and clients safe during this time. Further, consider the specifics of your business operations and think about how they can impact those around you. If you are in the business of creating advertisements, consider what types of advertisements your clients might need, and tailor your blog posts to such clients. If you are a grocery store, consider writing a post about the best ways to organize a curbside delivery service.
While doing this, be sure to consider the keywords for which you are ranking, so that your blogs end up in the hands of the readers you are targeting. Better yet, take the stress off and let LightHouse Graphics manage your search engine optimization. We can audit your site for best used search terms and track your Google rankings over time in order to drive the best potential blog posts.
Regardless of your industry, there is a way to engage your audience with current events. By joining the conversation and talking about what everyone else is already talking about, you ensure that you stay relevant to the times.
Just as blogs must stay relevant, so must social media. However, while blogs might address longer form subjects, such as a change in an entire process or system, social media posts are punchier, and therefore need to be a little more specific.
Our content team is skilled in optimizing search terms and hashtags to drive traffic to your website. If you are interested in retaining an empathetic, yet productive web presence during this time, consider allowing LightHouse Graphics to take the reins of your social media accounts.
With the additional changes that you may need to communicate to your clients, you may find that an email marketing campaign is best. You want your clients to know that you are still here to serve them during this time, and what better way to do that then to communicate with them directly?
When choosing to work with an agency like LightHouse, you have the benefit of a full spectrum of services. This means that not only will our content team work closely with you to craft the perfect message to send to your client, but our design team will create a stunning visual message that will grab your client’s attention from the moment they click on the email.
Although this might seem like a larger project than many are choosing to undertake during COVID-19, now is actually the perfect time to give your website that facelift you’ve been dreaming of. We regularly see stories of businesses who are renovating and organizing during this time–why not extend that same courtesy to your website?
Because a strong website is a direct pathway to strong relationships with your customers, it is important that your website be immaculate.
If COVID-19 is providing you with an influx of time, use that time to your advantage! Reach out to utilize our beautiful design services, along with our strategic search engine optimization management, in order to rebound stronger than ever from this pandemic.
LightHouse Graphics Is Here to Help
Whether you are looking for a complete website redesign with all of the bells and whistles, or just looking to get a couple of smaller projects done to keep your customers informed during this time, LightHouse Graphics is here for you. With a dedicated team of designers, writers, and web developers, we can ensure that all of your needs are met in one place. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can ensure that your website is ready to withstand COVID-19 and give your business the boost it needs during this time.