Marinaccio Law 1

Marinaccio Law


Art Direction, Web Design, Production
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We drive into your business dream in order bring to the surface underlying value that your brand create for its customers.

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Research and Planning

Marinaccio Law came to us looking for a pristine website that would showcase their excellent track record with clients. We were eager to use our skills to create something usable, but highly professional for these folks!

Design Exploration

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We created their site with some easy to use features that allowed users to navigate as seamlessly as possible. After all, we know that research tells us that users who cannot find what they need on a website are more likely to move on than to look for it. We weren’t going to let that happen to our friends at Marinacio! Marrinaccio Law4


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Finally, with the website done, we ensured that there was a version that could fit within a phone screen. Since so many users are opting to access websites virtually these days, we knew it was critical to leave no stone unturned!